Sunday, February 23, 2020

Grow Up Baseball Players and Let It Go

I usually don't comment on sports but this crap and sour grapes about Houston needs to stop. Cheating in Baseball has been going on since it started. The Dodgers and the rest of the teams are pissed because they didn't think about it and got beat. 

Ball players are not saints, they use to take speed to enhance their play. Them some did other drugs that WERE NOT BANNED at the time and some have paid a high price. They got stronger, bigger and better because of it.

Does anyone remember CORKED BATS, PINE TAR, SLIPPERY ELM PITCHERS USED TO spin the ball more. Ask Gaylord Perry how that worked. Hell, players and managers have always tried to get the best of the other teams and sometime it has been ugly. 

As a former pitcher I use to wipe sweat from my forehead to I could get a better grip and snap the ball harder out of my hand, it worked and all those things I mentioned above were also cheating.

It happened, get over it and lets play ball before the game is so damaged by a bunch of cry babies. Grow up guys, no pine was, no slippery elm and let's check all bats. Stop the crying little Boys of Summer and take the field.

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