Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Getting Sick of Trump

It was bad enough that this idiot mentioned Biden in a phone call that he SHOULD HAVE KNOWN would get out. It has happened in the past and will continue as the democrats want to overthrown our elected president. The democrats have become TRAITORS to our constitution and should be treated as such. 

Trump saying anything positive about China was another damn STUPID thing to do. This country (china) kills their own people, send others to re-education camps or worse. He needs to shut his damn mouth and LISTEN TO OTHERS who are smarter them him about how to conduct foreign policy. 

He is pushing some of us to reconsider if someone else should run as he is killing any opportunity he has to be re-elected.    

Over 50+ years ago my father said to be armed as our freedoms are being taken by elected officials in Washington and we will have to fight again. That time is much closer than I ever believed possible. 

I now tell my friends to also get armed as Senators and Congressman no longer care about "We the People" and what is best for this country. They care about lining their pockets, gaining power (BOTH PARTIES) and controlling how we think. So many Young people are dumb as a Pet Rock as they know NOT A DAMN THING about accurate American History.

Get ready folks, the dark days are coming way too fast. 

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...