Thursday, October 31, 2019

Congress has become a Democrat Stink Hole

After watching this crap today I am surprised anyone would ever want to be in Congress. You have a democratic led house of LIARS with pencil neck at the head and Botox lady a close second. These liars and other pieces of crap have even before Trump was elected  calling for him to be Impeached. What assholes these clowns are. My former American Government teacher would be blowing a blood vessel if still alive. What the hell has happened to this country? I have stated before we have become a banana republic and that seems kind now.

I hadn't decided if I should donate this next election cycle and today has made up my mind. My first donation was to Jim Jordan and more to follow. It is damn time to fight back against the crooks, liars, and all crappy elected officials. I don't care if it democrats or republicans, are the trash needs be be taken out. So many of these people are elected and NEVER F-ING LEAVE. Our country was not set up to be like this.

Let me ask, who gets a pension after two years? Who gets to pass laws they don't have to follow? WE THE STUPID DAMN PEOPLE have to follow laws our swamp elected congressman and senators pass. I have never seen a question as to this "Medicare for All" if the entire country will have or are elected jerks getting to keep what they have. 

We the F-ING PEOPLE need to step and stop this or be ready to arm yourself as my father warned me about some 50+ years ago. I will be long gone when it happens but it will unless something changes and we take our freedoms back in the BALLOT BOX. People running for office promise everything, free medical, free collage, and it makes me ask, who the hell is paying? The middle class always gets screwed so it is coming. Get some Ky and bend over for Uncle Sam. 

We need to CUT THE F-ING HEAD off the Snake and the rest will follow. We will either have a once again FREE country or it will only get worse if possible and THE Government will control every person, every thing we do and ALL will be lost.

The younger generation is not informed and too stupid to learn REAL HISTORY about the world and the liberals are counting on them to NEVER KNOW what we no longer have. Get a history book, one before they were changed (pre 1970) and read. This is going to be your country and if you want to follow everything the government says, do nothing. If you want to make your decisions, learn what real history is like. 

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