Sunday, June 9, 2019

Hillary the LIAR

I have tried not to comment about a liar like her but have found it very hard not to point out this piece of trash should be in jail now and not out telling us how bad Trump is. It is hard decide where to start with her and don't forget the husband. Do women remember  how this snake tried to destroy all the many women who accused her sexual assaulting husband of various sex crimes? Now so many dumb ass women believe she cares about their safety, ladies, get a life and really find someone who cares as it isn't her unless she can make money off of it. 

Trump is far from a saint and we all knew that going in but we were sick and tired of the crap coming from the swamp. NOW THE DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS ARE GOING TO INCREASE THEIR SALARY. They are in charge of congress now and do nothing for "We the People" but only bitch about Trump. Look at the unemployment rate, growth of our country, and tax laws not to mention the reduced regulations. We finally have someone (not a professional politician) who will fight however they have to FOR US and not the Swamp.

Washington has never seen someone who cared about results no matter how they are achieved. There are more challanges ahead as Putin and China want to be stronger which will allow them to dictate to us and the world what will happen. This can not be allowed to happen as many of us remember REAL HISTORY and the fact the United States SAVED all of us from speaking either German or Japanese depending how they were going to split the planet. Only America stood between that happening and freedom to believe as we all wish. China is and has been stealing our ideas and companies are dumb to allow it just to sell in their country. They steal everything as they CAN'T make it on their own.  

Younger people need to challenge what they are taught in American History (if it is still taught) as so many facts have been changed to make Americans feel guilty about saving all of us from dictatorships and mad men (Hitler). Do they teach "AMERICAN GOVERNMENT" anymore so students learn how our government is to operate? Students, learn NOT to trust your teachers anymore as they are NOT teaching the truth any longer. Hillary is trying to change history and so many people are dumb enough to allow her to lie while she is NOT held to the truth. If she was, no one would listen to her and we would be better off is she went away.

I have said enough about this women and her lies but only America will decide if they will listen to her much longer. I will try in the future to not write about her again as the liberals running for president will be the next group to listen to and laugh.   

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...