Monday, June 10, 2019

Electoral College Nonsense

Many of the extreme liberal states are voting to only utilize the Popular vote which would make this country a Socialist Country where only a few states along each coast would control the rest of the country. Should this ever happen, freedom as we have known for hundreds of years would cease to exist. Once this did, I would suggest all other states (fly over's) no longer accept their vote and not submit to a liberal socialists rule. Their president would NOT be MINE. 

Remember the Boston Tea party and what happened after, Taxation without Representation will not stand. States and private citizens should cease paying tax to a federal government that has changed our constitution by the way elections are held. Fly Over America would only be used to pay for liberal programs that do nothing except buy more votes from these who do not contribute to America. By the time this happens I will have passed and can only hope the citizens of the Fly Overs stand tall and not allow it to happen one way or another. This is why our founders gave us the 2nd Amendment to protect ourselves from government. Lets hope it never comes to that but a vet from WW2 and the Korean War said it would and be ready.

Aren't we tired of watching Government piss our money away and congress gets a lift time pension for being in congress for only two years, they vote laws they don't have to follow, healthcare that is crappy for us and they have excellent healthcare. We the People are treated like serifs and not equal partners in this country. It has been a VERY long time since congress gave a damn about the people but only what POWER they can get. I mean BOTH PARTIES are liars and talk is cheap, being from the Show Me State, show the people and stop the talking as we know if is not true.  

Our Electoral College will keep all elections equal and changing will forever destroy the America we have known since our founders completed their work for our freedom.

Without the votes from CA, Trump would have the popular vote but CA is a state no one wants to follow as they allow non citizens to vote. That would be like England allowing us to vote there. Maybe someday CA will leave the Union and it couldn't happen son enough. 

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...