Saturday, February 23, 2019

What the Hell is Wrong with America

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, supports the federal government issuing reparations to black Americans who were economically affected by slavery, she said on Thursday. 
"We must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country that has had many consequences including undermining the ability of Black families to build wealth in America for generations," Warren, who is white, said in a statement to Reuters.
How many of you have EVER seen a slave in America? No BLACK AMERICAN was EVER a SLAVE, no BLACK Americans parent was a slave so get the "F" over it. I am so sick and tired of hearing how the black Americans have been treated and yes they have been and much of it is there own damn fault. I lived in St Louis and saw what happened to housing built in their areas and they destroyed it. The same was true in Kansas City, as area were built up to give them help and they DESTROYED IT.
There was a development that only after a few years it was in such condition it was demolished. Look at North St Louis, it looks like London after WW2 and I would no longer drive there with being armed. Damn place is like a war zone. Building look bombed out and waiting to fall.
Yes, they have poor schools and that is NOT the countries fault. Look at what party has been in power in the majority of those cities, DEMOCRATS. So long as BOTH parties talk the big fix for an election and then do nothing, it will stay the same. Black and White Americans need to take back control and put people in who will Really do what is needed. This division in our country is caused by only a few as the vast majority want to live together, have families together. 
I don't want to hear from anyone I don't know what it is like to be poor. I lived in the backseat of my car for a period of time and then got off my ass. I built a company and have hired both Black and White employees. There were good and bad ones with color making no difference.  
I will NEVER support giving money as no slaves in this country have existed for hundreds of years. This is just another thing to get votes and they believe you are dumb enough to be BOUGHT AGAIN for an election. Tell whoever is promoting this that you aren't going to fall for the lies again.
One final thing, stop the AFRICAN-AMERICAN crap, we are all Americans, not German-American, Polish-American or any of those other names. We the People are Americans, PERIOD.

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