Sunday, February 24, 2019

Let Them In

Since President Trump is facing a number of lawsuits about his emergency and it appears the Congress and Senate will vote to overturn his decision, just open the borders in the states that wish to be open. States that wish to have a wall to protect their people, move all existing funds and walls to those states. 

Since the republicans in the senate will vote to override his veto given the chance, let them and be sure to reduce any funds going to those states to let them deal with the problem of illegals arriving. No more federal funds for housing. medical, food stamps and etc. if you are not a citizen of the USA. Let CA, NM, AZ and any other state pay for the illegals they want. In other words, to hell with them.  

When did it become Americas job to take care or all central America and not our own people FIRST. We have people here who live in boxes, shelters, tunnels, but we find housing for illegals. What the hell is wrong with this picture folks?

Sick to death of these damn socialist, communists, and liberals who put everyone except Americans first. Sometime in the future it will become ugly as the people will see what has happened and raise up to retake this country and once again follow the laws/constitution. 

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...