Monday, October 15, 2018

Sent from a Friend - WAKE UP GEORGIA

Maybe you can just say its from a friend in GA...but GA is just one state they are targeting with this type of lawsuit.  They are trying to turn GA, and with all the old left over Blue Dog Conservative Dems, it could happen!

Thoughts on the GA race:

I was watching television this morning, and Georgia is now finding itself in the crosshairs of CBS, NBC, and ABC as well as cable news.  Apparently, the GA governor’s race has become a target for the national Democratic Party; Abrams has raised money from the typical sources…donations to GA organizations that are directed by her and the state Dem party from national nonprofits controlled by George Soros, an avowed communist whose groups use Alinski’s methods to attack the institutions of our government, with the end goal of replacing them with socialist control.  It’s no coincidence they chose the attack on our Supreme Court.  

This Institution has always had the admiration and respect of all citizens of this country, regardless of political party; the whole Dr. Ford issue was merely a means to attempt to tarnish its reputation and cast doubt on its authenticity.

In Georgia, they are attacking our voting laws through lawsuits against the Secretary of State’s office and Brian Kemp personally.  Do you want YOUR vote to count?  This lawsuit has two purposes.  In the short term, it’s a political tool to try to discredit Brian Kemp; in the long term, its an attempt to allow non-citizens the right to vote.  

DID YOU HEAR THE WORDS COME FROM STACEY ABRAMS MOUTH?  She said it in a stump speech made when appearing with Elizabeth Warren…that people living in our country who are NOT CITIZENS should have the right to vote, and that’s what Stacy Abrams wants.  

IF Democrats are successful in providing the vote to people illegally in our country in Georgia, other states will fall, too.  This is a crucial election.   Stacy Abrams is not qualified to run a State Government.  She has never run anything except a local teacher’s union and community organizations whose goal is to destroy our institutions.

We must get out the vote.  There are many apathetic Georgians who think this is not an important election.  It’s up to us to contact and urge our neighbors, fellow members of our churches, our employees, and as many people as we can to vote.  If you can get people to go along with you, to vote early, drag them along to the polls.  We need every single vote, because our country…and our state…is under attack.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...