Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Are you f--king kidding me? Has this screwed up government ever operated a program effectively? Remember the $150.00 toilet seats, the $50.00 hammers and you want those idiots in charge of running our healthcare. Just how damn stupid are we, forgot, libs love single payer but one problem for the rest of us. 

THEY won't be in that system as they have a far better healthcare then "WE THE PEOPLE". We pay for their healthcare and it is far superior to what we will ever see. Maybe if they have to take what we the people can get it would change.  

Wake up people, congress does whatever it want and sticks it to us. They have a better pension, healthcare and more perks then I have hair after they leave congress. Wha the hell has happened to us. We take this crap and say to all mighty congress, thank you. We should be asking 'WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING", not thanks for the crumbs.

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