Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pelosi Dumb Ass again Speaks

Once again this totally dumb ass from the left coast opens her mouth about some Tweet that was NOT Flynn's. As normal, she was in such a hurry to rip this man that she couldn't wait to find the truth. This is no different then her now famous "We Have to Pass It to See What is In it". To bad she didn't leave like Harry and spare us from more of her stupid comments.

By her being re-elected by the nuts in Frisco only shows how out of touch that state and city is with the as they say "Fly Over America". 

The worst part is she was allowed to breed and more of her kind are around.

I hope they vote to leave the United States in 2018 and we will no longer have to put up with the Hollywood air heads and liberals like her. 

Let us pray that they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dumb ass of the century. This shows the mentality of the California fruit cakes.

She should be retired or jailed..Prefer the latter..

If you could be jailed for stupidity she would get life plus 200 years.


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