Tuesday, July 5, 2016

This will Happen in America

Syrian refugees as old as 22 are enrolling in Canadian high schools and harassing young girls,” reports a concerned parent.

The alarming report posted on Facebook by a parent in Fredericton, New Brunswick prompted a Canadian news outlet, The Rebel, to submit a request to the school for information on problems they are experiencing with Syrian refugees.  The school sent back over 2,700 documents in response to the request, including emails between staff of behavior issues they are having with Syrian refugee students.
Reportedly, Syrian men as old as 22 with full beards have enrolled in the high school, confronting teachers aggressively, harassing and hitting on young girls, bullying students, and using sexually offensive language.
The Canadian high school boys are frustrated, but afraid of the Syrians, who are older and bigger than they are, and they’re afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled a “racist.”
One email the school shared happened to be written the day of the Brussel terror attack, and warns of a trickle-down effect for students of a certain culture.
Another email mentioned a refugee student who had said one of his hobbies is playing with RPG’s (rocket-propelled grenades.)
Canada has been a hotbed for resettling thousands of Syrian refugees.   Now the schools – and Canadian students – are paying a price.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...