Friday, June 29, 2012


This piece of shit liar is at it again trying to convince the American people the the TAX is not really a TAX. Just how F---king stupid does he think people are? He and the rest of the liars and fools that believed the "PENALTY" was anything except a tax need to go. Another liar is that bitch Kathleen whatever from Kansas who in front of a committee lied and acted like oh no it is not a tax. Funny, when the government lawyer augured to the supreme court, he called it a "TAX" to get it upheld. Now this lying SOB of a so called president claims it isn't.  This slime would have never gotten it passed telling the truth and he knew it. What makes it worse, Many other libs knew the truth and lied also. Our government is sick from the head downward and needs to go. 

Didn't we learn anything from Watergate, Presidents lie to us all the time. This clown is just better and more of us are stupid.

Some many of the elected  senators and congressman are nothing but liars and need to go. Get some balls America and toss out the liars and stand up for what this country USE to be. Obamagate is now full blown and everyone can see this organizer is nothing but a "BIG F---KING LIAR". 

Now we get months of more crap from this dirtbag, oh joy.  

Sorry for the nasty words but have had enough of this piece of crap we have for president

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More Stupid Things 

Again our beloved governments are passing laws state by state to ban the use of Cell phones while driving. Idea sounds good but have we forgotten a few things.

Lets start with makeup. How many of us have seen a women putting on eye liner or lipstick while trying to drive? Ever notice where the inside mirror is facing? Yep, at her face and she is usually weaving all over. I think we should pass a law banning makeup in all cars? Think women would be tempted to do it anyway so maybe we should not allow them to drive so we can all feel safer. I know I feel much safer already.

Almost forgot the guys. You didn't think I'd let us off that easy. How many of us have moved our eyes from the road to get a glimpse of a pretty women and if we see a good figure, we have to turn our head to see what she looks like. Yep, got to put either blinders on males or bags on a women's head to protect us from foolish driving. Remember, men are pigs.

Can't forget the kids as they are either doing something wrong or you think they are. Sometimes they want  to drive you nuts so you turn around to see the damage. Or maybe you look in the rear view mirror to see what they are up too instead of the road.  You know how kids are, always doing something they shouldn't.Come to think of it, lets duct tape them and also tape their lovely little mouths shut. This way they stay seated, and very quite. Police may see that and think you have kidnapped them. Just try to explain that, hay, they would probably let you go thinking it was a good idea.

Well, we can't do the above things mentioned in the last three paragraphs but it makes as much sense as the cell phone law. Just more interference from big brother. I know it can be dangerous but just how can government protect us from being human?  Maybe they can take enough freedoms that we do nothing.

I do agree about somehow shutting texting down while driving as I had a family member rear end a car due to this. I encountered a young girl driving through a parking lot and noticed she was not looking but texting. By the time she looked up, she had driven into the traffic lane and would have been hit if I had not seen her and stopped. Maybe big brother should outlaw driving and texting but not talking. Make the fine for texting so large that it would make a serious point. Maybe the lose of their phone and a fine of say $1000.00 1st offense. I don't care if daddy bought or not. Bet he would be pissed if she lost a very expensive smartphone. If she can't pay fine, let her work it off picking up trash or working in ER for a few months so she or he can see what the real world is like.

Get out of our lives Uncle Sam or make better laws.  This one is not better, just a waste of time. 


Well here is this race hater once again with his big F---ing mouth going. Where was this loud mouth when the Black Panthers were trying to intimidate WHITE voters during the last major election? He in his typical style never showed his lying SOB ass. Remember the Tawana Brawley case? He was front and center on that and proven to be a liar and nothing else. After all these years nothing has changed except for the worse. Since Obama got in, all that has been done is to inflame the people of this country based on race.

Remember the Martin case in Sanford? Who remembers Zimmerman being called a WHITE-HISPANIC who shot this poor young man. Does that mean Obama is a WHITE-AFRICAN-ARAB? Can you image the grief anyone who made a statement like that would get if said out loud. Obama has become the WORST president we have ever had and is doing his very best to divide our country.

I was raised not to see color and very proud of my parents for doing that. Now I hate to say, I do see race and I want to thank this Community Organizer for doing that. He has managed to drive a wedge between the people that was slowly fading. I hope this clown is remembered for doing it.

Enough of people like Rev. Al, Obama the boy Clown and people that want Americans to hate one another. Shown below is the outcome of the phoney charges that the old Rev helped with.

The Aftermath
The Brawley case resurfaced a decade later when Steven Pagones filed a defamation suit against Maddox, Mason and Sharpton; he had already won a default judgment against Tawana in 1991.  By 1997, Tawana had moved to Washington and changed her name to Maryam Muhammad.  She returned to New York to speak before a rally at Brooklyn's Bethany Baptist Church in support of her advisers, insisting that she had told the truth about the abduction.  The court found otherwise.  Her advisers were ordered to pay Pagones $345,000 while Tawana had to pay $185,000.  "Tawana Brawley appears caught up in her own fiction," said New York State Supreme Court Justice S. Barrett Hickman.  Unfortunately, the rest of the country had to be caught up in it, too.
If you want to read the whole story, here is the link,
Thanks Al you dirt bag, get a job as your hate is no longer wanted

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Liar and Obama

Two words that go together like salt and pepper. This liar is now courting votes from the Hispanic voters and claiming the "Dream Act" is being held up due to those terrible Republicans. Did anyone notice his nose growing when he said that. This community organizer could have passed it anytime he wanted during the first two years when the Senate, Congress and White House were under the liberal control. Ask yourself, DID HE? 

The simple answer is hell no as it didn't matter to him then and now brings it up for votes. He doesn't care a bit about it being right or not. He only cares about getting your vote and the votes of liberals who have a very short memory that it could have passed over three years ago.      

This clown has done this on other subjects and attempts to BLAME the other party for not doing this or that. If this organizer had any balls which many don't he would attempt to tell the truth. Few politicians do so we have to try to find it ourselves. ALL politicians try to blow smoke up our collective butts and we have to be more informed on our own as they will do anything or say anything to get elected.

Many of you are to young to remember the civil rights period but believe it was the democrats that voted for it. Nope, democrats like Al Gores daddy voted against it. Without republican votes, it would have failed. How many years have the democrats taken advantage of the minorities to be elected and nothing changes. Poor inner city schools, low income housing has been tried through them but failed, and so many other programs but they keep getting elected. I once saw a billboard that said Dr. King was a republican, never knew that and without the republican vote, who knows where we would be today. Maybe he knew something about the republican so many others don't.

If I was Hispanic, I wouldn't trust Democrats today with their history.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Had Enough

I have finally had enough of Muslims extremists and it makes no difference if they like us or not. Their basic religion wants us gone and we hear that all the time. If you don't believe in and follow their teachings, you need to die. They can burn our bible and we are to turn the other cheek being good Christians. Well, my cheeks have been turned enough. These hatters of anyone not following Islamic belief are killed now want to put to death another person for changing his beliefs. They have killed people for making jokes, drawing cartoons and will continue so long as they believe the way they do. We need to understand, EXTREMISTS ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE. 

We as a country need to become self-reliant so we no longer have to deal with Muslim countries. You have to remember some Muslims have hated Christians for thousands of years and it is not going to stop. They (extremists) have NEVER been our friends and only use us for what they can get and we do the same. We kill them and they kill us as we try to imprint our style of life on them. To hell with them as without we ugly Americans, they'd still be herding goats. If you think about it, many Muslim countries treat goats better then women. 

The hijackers were such good Muslims that they spent time in Strip Bars before they killed thousands of us. We need to draw a line in the sand so to speak and let the whole world know that we will no longer have security pacts with any Muslim country that does not take action within their country to remove the extremists. We will continue to do business with them but will no longer act in their defense if asked. All FREE aid of any kind stops now, some call it foreign aid but it is really FREE AID as we receive nothing back. 

If any bombing takes place killing Americans and it is learned what Muslim country has allowed this or assisted in it, we won't wring our hands but remove thousands of Muslims from the earth. You kill one American in a terrorist attack, we kill 1,000 Muslims. Any attack against America with a Bomb of Mass Destruction would require us to remove Tehran or capital city of whatever country allowed the attack from the planet to start with. 

Sounds harsh, yes it is, but enough of this PC crap that we have to put up with. Afghans riot because someone burned some Korans that had writings in them which is against their faith to begin with. One way that is acceptable to destroy one is to BURN IT. They burn our Bible and nothing is said, they kill Christians because they hate us and want to kill all Jews. We need to leave Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait, and all Muslim countries that all not respectful of ALL religions. 

We have a coward for a President who kisses the ass of all Muslims and dictates how the military will be run. Does anyone remember he was a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER?????

I have toned this down as I suggested we just eliminate any country that allows terrorists to attack us after training in their country. As an example, should Iran continue its path, we should assist Israel in removing ALL their Nuclear and Missile sites. We have the ability to do so and we have only one friend in the Middle East, ISRAEL. Obama has many friends in the Middle East and one is NOT ISRAEL.  

Years ago Russia did the same thing when someone crossed them and all the world did was wring their collective hands. Hand wringing should cease now and the only way for America to be strong again is to vote out this weak kneed, gutless so called President.  

Millions of the younger Americans have not been taught history or know that AMERICA has saved this planet from Mass Murders through the blood of our young men and women.  Does anyone know who tried to appease Hitler and cost millions of Jewish men/women/ children their lives? How many Chinese died for the Communist way of life and continue to this day?  Does anyone know we had to sink the French Navy at the start of WW2 as they joined the Nazis before changing their way?

To hell with Muslims and Obama as both are a threat to America. Obama, he gets voted out in November and for Muslims who want to kill us, to hell with them too.

The Staff: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one including us..

Worse Than Nixon

We have finally witnessed the worst and most crooked administration in recent history. The fucking king of America Obama (excuse me) has decided to cover his ass by claiming Executive Privilege on documents requested by the Congress. This piece of shit president has broken the law, skirted the congress and run our country as a dictator.  When will congress stand up and be willing to pay the price to fight for the constitution and the rule of law that this asshole doesn't understand. Sitting her listening to Cummings (D-MD) speak shows just how divided this government is and should be replaced.

What are the people to believe now, I suggest Holder is trying to protect the King of America as he has known what was going on and to think he didn't, think back to Nixon and how they tried to cover that up and others taking the fall.

Remember the Black Panthers and the voting place where these gutless Black Panthers tried to intimidate WHITE voters? What did Holder do? Not a damn thing and what do you think would happen if it was a white group trying to intimidate a BLACK voter? They would have found themselves locked up or shot on the spot. How about the person passing out info in St Louis during the election who was beat by union members? Nothing happened again and this justice department is run by a RACIST who will only uphold the law based on color and union affiliation.

If you the American people that believe in open government no matter the color or party, vote the son-of-a-bitch out as he is the biggest crook since Nixon. Hell, Nixon was going to be impeached and maybe it is time to do the same as King Obama has taken enough rights, broken enough laws and this has to cease.

When the head law enforcement officer breaks the law, why should anyone follow the law? 

Monday, June 11, 2012


That is the name of an old movie I saw tonight and it reminded me of the coming storm I see our country is headed for as our government continues to take the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. There was a line that I so wish I could remember at this time that said it all. It had to deal with the government knowing what was best for the people. Does that sound familiar to anyone.

For many years we have slowly watched the government take our liberty and rights ever so slowly few have noticed. Over 40 years ago I was told this was coming as the government was taking our freedom but didn't believe the person who was telling me. Thought he was just upset about something. I was wrong and we ARE going to pay a terrible price someday. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime but it will happen.  The man had served in WW2 and Korea so he knew the cost of liberty.

Once the people realize that they no longer can exercise their right to think as free people, I am afraid violence will begin. Think of it, we have some politician telling us what size drink we should have, another is telling us we can no longer smoke in our backyard, what kind of light bulb and so many more small things that people don't think about. When does this stop and how. Our own leaders break the law, ignore the Constitution, pass laws that THEY don't have to follow. When do the American people awake and say ENOUGH. I fear it may be to late now as the government is buying off the majority of people with free money hand outs, food stamps, funds to give to other countries that either hate us or want to kill us. How stupid has our government become to do these things and we the cattle allow it to continue.

I'll stop here and I suggest everyone watch the old flick as it was made in 1940 and history does repeat itself. Get ready folks, history is starting to write a new chapter and you will not like the ending. My time is short so I have no fear of being here to see it but my son may and my younger family members will be there to see a once great country cease.

What I saw in the movie is happening now but very quietly. Are you listening?  


Russia says US support for Ukraine will end as ‘humiliating fiasco’ like ‘Vietnam and Afghanistan’ The Staff: If I remember correctly, Russi...