Friday, June 29, 2012


This piece of shit liar is at it again trying to convince the American people the the TAX is not really a TAX. Just how F---king stupid does he think people are? He and the rest of the liars and fools that believed the "PENALTY" was anything except a tax need to go. Another liar is that bitch Kathleen whatever from Kansas who in front of a committee lied and acted like oh no it is not a tax. Funny, when the government lawyer augured to the supreme court, he called it a "TAX" to get it upheld. Now this lying SOB of a so called president claims it isn't.  This slime would have never gotten it passed telling the truth and he knew it. What makes it worse, Many other libs knew the truth and lied also. Our government is sick from the head downward and needs to go. 

Didn't we learn anything from Watergate, Presidents lie to us all the time. This clown is just better and more of us are stupid.

Some many of the elected  senators and congressman are nothing but liars and need to go. Get some balls America and toss out the liars and stand up for what this country USE to be. Obamagate is now full blown and everyone can see this organizer is nothing but a "BIG F---KING LIAR". 

Now we get months of more crap from this dirtbag, oh joy.  

Sorry for the nasty words but have had enough of this piece of crap we have for president

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...