Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rick & Newt, Time to Get Out

As a moderate to conservative voter who has watched this election process, it is time for the primary to cease after this week. I am sure Santorum is a very sincere and nice person but he has no chance of defeating Obama. Based on what I have seen and heard to date, he is the weakest person to carry the mantel for the moderate/conservative party. I believe Obama would tear him apart in a debate and Mitt may not fair much better. I do believe Mitt can and would do better head to head in a debate and being somewhat moderate in this election is not bad. If the republican party believes they can nominate a hard right conservative and win, they are sadly mistaken. Santorum is not the person who is following the leanings of this country which is center right. Rick has hard right and that will not fly.

I like most Americans are Moderate to slightly Conservative which follows the majority of the country based on polls which shows it to be "CENTER RIGHT" leaning electorate. Newt I believe would tear Obama apart during a debate, but in a general election would not win due to the baggage he has. That is a damn shame as this is a brilliant man who can and should have a large role in our new government. Remember when they laughed at him for talking about a "Moon Colony"? They also laughed at John Kennedy for wanting to send people to the moon. Without thinkers such as Newt our great country dies is just like the rest of this world.

Mitt may not be the conservative people want but is far superior to what is in Washington now. We can not afford another four years of this community organizer.

What "We the People" want is a leader who TELLS THE TRUTH. We are Americans and can handle the truth but liars run rampart right now in government. Mitt needs to tell us the truth and let the election chips falls where they may. Let the Party of Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and other great liars continue their ways. Bill lied about the blow job, Hillary about the Rose billing records that appeared on her coffee table, Teddy about Mary Joe and we could go on. I am sure both side do it but to listen to the media, only Republicans do it.

Kind of got off message there but we need someone to replace Obama and Mitt I believe can be elected if he does one thing, TELL US THE TRUTH, we can take it.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...