Monday, March 12, 2012

DOJ Strikes again

Your piece of crap attorney general strikes again and this time with Texas and the voter Photo ID. Just as in SC the DOJ is blocking Photo ID's as the so called poor are being singled out. Well folks, the so called poor get all kinds of government (US) aid so why the hell can't it provide Photo ID cards to assure Honest Elections. Our hell, I said honest and that is one thing the democratic party does not want. I can only remember as far back as Kennedy and the dead people voting in Chicago but it has been going on much longer than that. The clown from MN got in through voter fraud and it is know but nothing happens.

We all need to remember this is the same attorney general who never heard of "Walking Guns" until a border patrol agent was murdered with guns sold by the the US Government to Mexican drug dealers. This is the same Attorney General who would not prosecute black panthers for trying to influence voters by wielding a Steel Nigh Stick such as the police use when voters were entering a voting place. Nothing happened to those dirt bags as they walked. Guess the thugs were the right color. Yep, that is a racial remark and was meant to be. Try doing that to black voters and you'd end up in jail or shot if your white. Think Holder would prosecute if the situation was reversed and a white person did that? You'd still be in jail.

Remember when your beloved president broke the Federal Bankruptcy laws by screwing the bondholders during the GM bankruptcy? May be wrong but I always thought the Bondholders were paid first during bankruptcy not some union who helped drive GM over the brink.

Nothing changes with this corrupt administration and won't until they are voted out. If you want four more years of the president breaking laws, shredding the constitution, just vote for the SOB again. I am not saying the other side is that much better but we already know about this community organizer and that is he is not qualified to be president. Why not try again with someone new, could it be much worse.       

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...