Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oil and Obama

Well, not sure where to start. BP, quit talking about them doing this or that and remember who claims they were in charge from the very first day, OBAMA. Now I'm no fan of this boy president and he gets much of the credit for NOT doing his job along with some others.

From what I have heard on various news stations, the government was to have something called "Fire Booms" on hand for something like this since around 1993. Clinton didn't get them, Bush didn't get them and we know now neither did Obama. Typical government, they are not capable of doing a damn thing right, just remember the toilet seats, hundred dollar hammers.

BP had no plan to deal with a blowout such as this and OUR government allowed them to operate knowing they didn't. Come to think of it, wasn't our government going to give them a Safety Award before this happened. This only shows how dysfunctional our government is again and has no business in overseeing anything. There should have been professionals in charge of overseeing the response to a spill such as this. Rigs should be inspected monthly and not by some agency working in the government. Our government is corrupt and the different positions are filled with people who have no idea of what they are doing.

I know BP will pay the freight in cleaning up the oil, paying damages to the effected fisherman, and others who have a claim. BP should not be required to pay for the drilling operations that this boy president shut down so he could look like he was doing something. All he did was stop rigs that are operating , while he should have sent private inspectors to each one to review operations and make corrections as needed.

It will take more then a lifetime to bring the gulf back and some areas it may be two generations before it happens. There is no excuse for what happened if what is being said about taking short cuts is true. If it is found to be true, BP should be removed from ALL rigs operating in US waters and not allowed back for a long period of time. We should not force them out of business as they MUST pay the damages and if takes a period of time, so be it.

Much of the damage is due to our own government and its failure to act in a rapid manner. Many countries offered help only to be turned away. One country offered skimmers as soon as it happened but they were turned down for over 40 days before someone in Washington got off their ass and accepted. Where are the skimmers that could have helped, some law from 1920 I think would not allow some equipment into the Gulf that would have helped. Obama could have waved this law to get help but didn't.

What I'm trying to say is this,

Part of me wonders if Obama did this so he could push another program down our throats called "Cap & Trade". Better know as "TAX YOUR GASOLINE, ELECTRIC, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS, " and anything that generates power. This is just what we the people want, more government intrusion.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...