Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The General Said What Many of Us Believe - Obama is a Wimp

I, for, one am very sorry to see the General go, but I realize what he and his inner circle of officers said had to be dealt with. Yes, Biden is a joke and everyone knows he doesn't have the smarts to blow himself up or get out a wet paper bag. Do we all remember him telling a man in a wheelchair to stand up? Watching these politicians try to run a war is like watching Vietnam all over again. This has now become OBAMA'S VIETNAM and it isn't worth any more live of our young soldiers.

If we want to win this fight, we have got to make the enemy pay a much higher price for attacking us. If they kill one of us, we kill 100 of them. With the corrupt leadership there I can't see us winning anything until America decides to place honest Afghan officials in place and that won't happen. With the leaders we have in place now, none have the stomach to do what is needed.

When you fight to win a war there is going to be a lot of blood and innocent people are going to die. War is not clean and causalities are going to happen to children, women, and others that shouldn't but does. Smart bombs can only do so much and it will fall eventually to the foot soldiers to clean out the scum. I could say we can bomb them back to the stone age but they are still living in the stone age in many parts of their county.

Should we not decide to fight to win and win now, get the hell out of this conflict and save our soldiers for a fight we have to win. That fight will come soon as our government is weak at the top and is becoming a joke around the world. Leaders in Iran, North Korea, China, Russia all see Obama for what he is and will continue to push the community organizing president around. They watch our country going deeper in debt and printing money we don't have. Cuts in military spending will have to be made to pay for the boy president and liberal spending. We cut military spending, China, Russia, and our other enemies won't and may actually increase theirs.

Folks who voted for this organizer are getting exactly what they wanted, a weak president. I remember hearing and seeing people saying Obama would pay for their gas, their housing, their food all with Obama's money. Well, is Obama's money helping you now?

November is coming and we have one chance left to stop the freight train before it goes over the cliff and that is to vote these clowns out. If we don't, we will have no one to blame for losing the war, bankrupting the country by printing more money then our country has and seeing America become a second rate country behind, China, Russia, Spain, Greece, Italy, and maybe even Cuba as one of our Senators said they offer better health insurance.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...