Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Sensible Democrat that Republicans Can Support

Democratic congressman:
80% of 'stimulus' bill is waste, and only 30% will be spent by 2010

Here's just some of the news on the offensive and wasteful piece of legislation that is being called "the stimulus bill."Idaho's KLEW reports on first-term Idaho Congressman Walt Minnick, who was one of only 11 Democrats to vote against the House version of the bill. Minnick is part of the so-called "moderate" or "fiscally conservative" group of Democrats in the Blue Dog Coalition; remember that Democratic Congressman Dennis Moore claims to be a part of this group, even though Moore voted for the legislation. Minnick has introduced his own version of the bill, that is over 80% smaller than the bill discussed in the Senate:

"The biggest difference is that I've cut out everything that doesn't create jobs in this year and next," Minnick said Thursday. "It's only $174 billion, $650 billion less than what the House passed and probably $750 billion less than the trillion dollar bill the Senate is talking about. It focuses on infrastructure spending, there's $70 billion on bridges, roads and school construction and there's $100 billion on tax cuts to middle and low income people.

Minnick also says this:
Minnick said his proposal would spend all the money by the end of 2010, while the White House proposal would only spend 30 percent of the larger amount they're proposing.

Thank you to the Staff for locating a wonderful article to post.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...