Monday, February 16, 2009

Idiot Republican Speaks - Lindsey Graham

Now we have another idiot Lindsey Graham opening his mouth and talking about taking over the banking system. What, another empty minded senator thinks the banks may need to be taken over by the government. If this idiot had been watching Fannie/Freddie along with the other (Dodd, Kerry, Frank, Clinton, etc) jokes in Washington we wouldn't be in this mess now. Why do we need to take over ALL banks when only five or six should have been allowed to fail. There are over 5,000 Banks in the country that aren't in trouble which will also be taken over. Who would EVER go to a Government Bank that can't balance their own budget. Our country would have been able to survive if the failing banks and wall street companies folded that caused this. Yes, it would have been tough to watch but it would have been far better then letting our country be taken over by the GOVERNMENT.

This was a silent COUP and we the people stood by and watched. People who don't work, liberals, Government Workers, welfare recipient's run our country now. Just with their votes alone they control what happens. My grandfather, my father, my friends fought to protect this country and now it has died with freedom being lost. Big Brother rules America now.

Let me understand this, Senators/Representatives don't do their job and provide oversight as they are elected to do and we the American people get hosed with the bailout. Now this weak knee-ed senator mentions banks may need to be taken over and run by the government. This is the same government that screwed up Social Security, Medicaid, Prescription Card just to name a few. How many of you want to go the "Bank of the US" and try to get some pencil neck to loan you money?

We need the top 10% of income earners stop working for one year and that would stop the government cold. With no taxes coming in they would have to get the budget in order and learn to live within their means as "We the People" do. Government accountability is and will be a joke until they learn they don't have an unlimited budget with OUR money.

We the American People are so screwed and we allowd the idiots in Washington DC to do it. Remember, YOU voted them in, now what?

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...