Thursday, June 20, 2024

What the "F"

What the "F" has Biden/Obama done to our once good country. Wars, Riots, high gas prices, high food prices, illegal aliens taking over our cities and god knows who else they have allowed in to our country. Sooner than we want, Americans will take up arms at the boarder to stop the invasion as the government has failed and continues to fail to protect American from crimes committed by these people. Who is left to defend other than ourselves.

How many drunk drivers, aliens who are raping children, murdering Americans, are being allowed in because of Biden and Obama. I name Obama as we all know Joe does not have the mental ability to do much of anything. Remember, this empty vessel is supposed to protect  Americans here first and yet he and the others fail very very badly.   

There is so much wrong in America today I see no way it will ever change as no party has the courage to address what is wrong. Now they want our soldiers to have Veg burgers to reduce the carbon footprint. Electric tanks and more crap like this will get us killed when the next war starts and it is coming as we are weak and other countries know it is due to the liberal crap running our country now. 

Trillions in debt and no way in hell will that ever be reduced except bankruptcy. The future for America is not good and not even sure America will continue to exist as we have known it. 

I am sorry for the younger generations as they are going to pay for what the Republicans and Democrats have done. 


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