Thursday, June 20, 2024

Putin-Rocket Man-China-Iran

The clowns above now say NATO is a security threat to Asia. There are very few threats, Russia, Iran, China and of course Rocket Man. What do they all have common, threats to the rest of the world.

Russia is a joke and Putin, former KGB is a punk who has deprived his country men of a good life. How did he become a Billionaire without stealing? 

Rocket man is just a short loud mouth who was taught to hate from him father and grandfather. If he wanted TRUE peace he could have had a long time ago and helped his people. Instead he spends money on missiles that are in the oceans to try to make him feel important and strong.  

China, they have stolen their way to being a strong power and the world needs to step away from buying from them and having a business there. They imprison Muslims and yet the Middle East does nothing as they talk a big story about protecting but let their action show what cowards they really are.  They can cut up a writer but when it comes to speaking to the torture of Muslims, silence is their middle name.

Now we come to IRAN and how they have helped destroy peace in the Middle East. Once they have and may now have a Nuclear Weapon, they will use against Israel and the Jewish State will have no choice but to destroy all of Iran and its people. I support them lighting up Iran if this would happen as Iran is responsible for so much killing no one will miss them. I hope the other countries get smart and stop today buying Oil from them so they can no longer support the terror.

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