Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Department of InJustice

This crap they are doing to We the People by trying Trump on all this Bullshit made up laws (New York) that the federal government would not touch. This should tell everyAmerican Obama/Biden are doing all they can to put Trump in Jail and at the least destroy any opportunity for Americans to select who they wish.

In the old days this would have been settled in a much different way and sometimes I think about what our founding father would say about this. I think Dueling is out now.

Fani in GA is just a piece of trash and has taken money to play while the people of GA stand by. Brag, another Soros puppet along with the crazy judge who is taking freedom of speech any from Trump but everyone else is allowed to say whatever they wish. The piece of trash has a daughter who works for liberals and Obama/Biden but that is ok. What a fu**ing joke he is. 

Smith, hard to say anything about this clown as his history says it all if one looks into him.

America will cease to exist as we have known growing up if Biden/Obama get back in as they are working on destroying this once great country. Hell, Biden doesn't even know how to get off a stage, looks to shake hands when no one is there. He lacks the mental ability to function on his own. Has anyone ever noticed how people lead him around like at a Memory Care Center?   

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...