Sunday, September 6, 2020

Remember and Protect America

Have You Forgotten:  This week we commemorate the 9-11 terrorist act against America.  As most Americans mourn and remember...others have forgotten.  Share this video.

Unfortunately the external threats to our country have now moved to internal terrorists who hate America and the American idea as much as those terrorists did.

Elect Biden and Riots Stop:  Now former Vice President Biden and liberal Democrat allies say if we elect Biden in 2020 he will bring peace and reconciliation to our country?  Somehow he and President Obama in 8 years were NOT able to create an acceptable system of “social justice”  when they controlled the White House...but now will be different?!?

A couple of problems:

First, talk about your classic Mafia-like extortion of American voters.  If you vote for Biden, we will stop the “resist” movement’s riots and looting and bring reconciliation and peace to your neighborhoods.  Extortion used to be illegal.

Second, the rioting and looting that the Democrats unleashed in their “resist” movement is kind of like the genie you let out of the bottle and can’t get back in.  They have lost control of their managed chaos.

Third, Marxist Antifa and Black Live Matter organizations have taken advantage of legitimate calls for social justice and are advocating an all out revolution to overthrow our form of government.  They openly say they want to destroy capitalism, defund police, kill police officers and “white people” while chanting “Death to America.”  The crazy left is now organized and are dangerously manipulating legitimate protesters around the country.

Don’t let the Democrats blackmail you into voting for Biden!

Don’t believe their duplicitous campaign ads.  Listen to what is being said on the streets.  No reason NOT to believe the rioters.  They are telling us EXACTLY what they want to do.

Don’t let candidates who don’t respect the rule of law bully you into voting for them.

America has thrived partly because it relies on the rule of law to create a level playing field.  There is no doubt we need to do better, but there is no greater country in the world, with greater opportunity for all than America!

P.S. Is there a reason “demonstrators” have to demonstrate at night and not during the day?  That seems to help their “rioter” friends who wear hard hats, carry bats and start fires?  Just asking.

Mail-In Voting Fraud Set-Up:  Bloomberg’s Hawkfish political firm has “warned” of a Trump landslide that isn’t?!?  Yes, they are making an argument that Trump could win on election day but thousands or maybe millions of legitimate and fraudulent mail-in ballots could change the results.  Read the article below.

At a time of such political division in our country, creating a scenario and encouraging a mail-in system of voting without protections to protect against fraud isn’t helpful.  They are creating an excuse to challenge the election.

The progressive left didn’t “accept” President Trump’s victory last time and are now trying to set up the narrative to “resist” again if Trump wins re-election.

States that have used mail-in voting took years to create a system that insured the integrity of the system.  Anyone who wants to vote by mail can request an absentee ballot, that has safeguards to protect against fraud.  But the mass mail-in voting scheme Democrats have pushed around the country is dangerous and a threat to our democracy and the peaceful transfer of power that makes America unique in this world.

Love It or Leave It: You have to admit that it's “funny” that Democrat Mayors are “relocating” due to “peaceful protests”.  Just let that sink in for a minute.

Three Questions for Liberals: There are three question that would destroy most of the arguments on the left:

  1. Compared to what?
  2. At what costs?
  3. What hard evidence do you have?

"There are very few ideas on the left that can pass all three of those kinds of things."
-Thomas Sowell

Protests vs Riots - But Mostly Peaceful: “Right to Peaceably Assemble” is granted. “Right to  Vandalize, Destroy Public & Private Property, Assault, Injure, Kill, Inflict Fear, Public Nuisance & Hide - These & Other Criminal Behaviors Under the Cover of Angry Mobs” is not.

The problem is innocent people, families and private businesses, who had NOTHING to do with police shootings or excessive force are being targeted and terrorized by arsonists, vandals, looters and rioters.

Obamagate: The weaponization of both domestic and foreign intelligence against a presidential campaign from a sitting administration solely for political purposes to prevent the smooth transition of power and weaken his presidency to limit his legislative successes.

That’s what Obamagate is all about...they spied, they lied and tried to cover it up.

This should NEVER happen to ANY American...there should be bipartisan outrage!!!

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...