Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Biden is the WORST Candidate

I have seen democratic candidates since 1968 when I could vote and he is by far the worst. Half the time he can't speak clearly and most of the time he rambles. I feel sorry for him that he is being used by people like Bernie and Harris to further their goals and don't care a bit about him. His wife is right there with those two bottom feeders. Didn't know being the First Lady was that big of a deal to be willing to use her husband knowing how challenged he is.

His use shows just how bad this country has fallen and so many us will do ANYTHING to gain power. They talk about taking our guns if Joe gets in and I remember a women saying she would give them one bullet at at time. I would agree with her and trying to disarm our country is the fastest way to start a civil upraising. We have the 2nd amendment to protect us from a government trying to take over from the people. If some republican tried to do this, they would have the same civil unrest. We the People WILL NOT surrender our right to have guns.

Should the court be stacked against the American people and attempt to take our freedoms, just remember the PELICAN BRIEF as I am sure we would see this first hand. The movie "V" should remind all that "GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE AFRAID OF THE PEOPLE". All the clowns in Washington need to remember, they work for US or supposed to. 

Beware liberals and any republican who wishes to take our freedoms, We the People will fight if backed into a corner so be VERY careful. 

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