Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tell Trump to Grow UP

Just a little sick of Donnie and the nonsense he does and the people around him. The foul mouth little Italian is a flaming joke for communications director as his use of this type of language won't get it.

Donnie you get upset because things don't go your way so what did you expect? You can't push people around in government like you did in private business and people in Washington will not kiss your ring.

Stop the damn tweeting for now and only utilize it when nothing else works and have a grown up review before you send. I donated to you and now I have cut off your tweets, request for funds and will only donate to where it will do the most good, not you. I anticipate you will be a ONE TERM president as nothing is getting done which is not all your fault but part of it is.

What do I expect to happen with health care, SINGLE PAYER is coming because the republicans can't get it together. No where does it state "We the People" have to pay for someone else's health care.

We already pay or assist with Housing, food, cash and god knows what else so very many who can work and do not chose to.

Sad to watch this once great country go in the toilet but I hear the flushing sound getting louder. My time is short and now all I can do is shake my head how crapy our government has become along so many lazy ass Americans.

The Staff: Maybe just maybe some adults have come to the WH (Kelly) and will help control Donnie and his message. Some of us had grown tired of the nonsense going on and now that we have an adult there it will get focused on what "We the People" voted for.

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