Thursday, November 10, 2016


Looking at the news now I saw a Latino women saying people on both sides of this past election must die to bring change. She was carrying a anti-Trump sign which shows the type of people we need to toss out of this country.  This shows some of the people who supported Hillary and that is sad. I'm sure Trump had some of the same. I can't remember street demonstrations or riots after previous elections till now. 

From what was showing it was young people who are dumb as rocks when it comes to America and people who appear to be from south of the Texas boarder and it makes me wonder how many were illegal. America should deport any illegals stopped for traffic offenses, any and all crimes no matter how minor. They are not supposed to be here, broke the law by being in the country and have NO RIGHT to American laws to protect them from being forced out of this country. 

Our southern boarder must be secure and those that continue to break the law coming in go to jail till we kick them out. All these bleeding hearts that think they should be allowed to stay, well, lets allow those illegal people to stay in their homes. That way the bleeding hearts can feed, house them and pay for all their expanses. Somehow I don't think they would like that but it would stop this nonsense. If not, just give them the keys to your homes and let them stay with you. You support them, not the rest of us as it is hard enough to make it through this life without taking care of the whole planet.    

When Trump mentioned killers, rapist were coming in that was true and get over the fact he said it. In the last week I have read about another illegal raping a small child and yes I know other Americans have done the same. That is horrible enough for sick Americans to do but we don't have to import illegals here to do the same. 

Liberals want the votes, Republicans want the cheap labor and "We the People" want the damn laws followed. Is that to much to ask of our elected leaders, JUST FOLLOW THE LAW.

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