Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I want to thank all the Americans who gave a damn about our country and not themselves. It shows "We the People" have spoken after watching our country sink in respect, law and order, the racial divide caused by the Obama  administration. The almost former president to be has caused great damage to our country and we as a people must work hard to heal the divide.

This is Americas second chance to once again become what we use to be and that was that "Shining Light on The Hill" which has been spoken about. WE must restore trust in Americas word and stand for freedom for ALL people. Laws must be equal for ALL Americans and not be based on a persons color. 

Now is the time to tell the world America is back and some people should stop thinking we are a paper tiger as the tiger has new blood with a leader that will bring pride to our military. He will stand behind our men as President Bush did. No more will our enemies challenge us without fear. No more Red Lines that turn YELLOW as our weak kneaded president did. We must do what is RIGHT.

Many of you may remember the statement "Great Sucking Sound" that Ross used when talking about the trade agreement. He was right as many jobs left, damaged our country and people. WE now have a president elect who will put "We the People" first and not some special group.

I would love to work for someone like Trump but I'd have one question. That simple question would be " Can I fire whoever I Want". You don't produce, you get fired. I'd also want to have that available for government programs that are a waste. Now the fun begins for those who want to clean up our government.

America better get use to a new way of doing things as a new time has come.  

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...