Thursday, June 2, 2016

Not Sure What to Say About Her Lies

Hillary and her foreign policy speech. If people followed the Clintons years ago they know she lied and once again showed she is a liar. When Bill was president they hated the military and many times had officers not dress in the uniform but suits.

We can start at the question "who do you want getting a 3 am call"? WE know not Hillary as we lost people in Libya on her watch due to inaction and her mishandling of the security that had been requested hundreds of times. She can claim no one ever told her but when you are in charge, the buck stops at your desk. Do we really want her having to deal with another situation like this?

Remember the Staples Red Button that they (Staples) used for advertising? She used it for the Russia "Reset" button and how did that work out? Ships buzzed, Putin invading countries and we do nothing, Bombers off our west cost doing practice bombing runs. Russia increasing their military to pre-war levels, and more. She was and has been a joke for years.

She lied about "Whitewater Billing Records", was fired from the Watergate Investigation for being unethical and that was a kind word. The person firing her was a "DEMOCRAT" and she has not changed one bit. She has a history of lying and taking it to an art form. She and Bill at two of the best at lying and thinking laws do not included them.

Trump may not be much better but we know what we get with Hillary. A liar, thief although she and Bill returned the items they stole from the Whitehouse when they left. If a stink was not made about Stealing the Peoples things (ours) they would have kept them.

There many more items but enough for now. We should all email Hillary as the server can be hacked by anyone. She will get her towel out and wipe it. We can also write the Clinton Foundation (slush fund) for a loan.

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