Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Trump and Hillary

Might as well say it now, Trump speaks about women in some very poor and disgusting manners. It tends to piss off some and I could not agree more. He is not my favorite but far better then liar Hillary.

Hillary, that is a different story as she has stayed by while he sexual predator husband does whatever he wants with a women and she than blames others. She doesn't care that Bill is a predator and I am not the one saying this but the women from his Harvard days to today. Almost 50+ years and he has not changed. They only stay together to make money, have power and both allow the other to do whatever they want. Remember Monica and Bill's sperm on her dress?

She claims to speak for women, what a joke as she allowed her predator husband to do whatever and while she was in office she paid women less then men. Now she wants to speak for all women and demand equal pay. Maybe someone should ask her why she paid the ladies less, why she protected the predator? There are so many questions about her past that compared to Trump, she is worse.

Read about Mena Ark., her time on the Watergate Investigation where she was FIRED for misconduct by another Democrat and all this can be verified. The man that fired her wrote about it in detail as stating she had no Ethics. That is no surprise.

People, you need to get informed and don't vote for her just because she has a Vagina!!!!  Last time so many voted for Obama because he was black and how did that work out? Trillions more in debt, people quit looking for work, health care has gotten very costly, shovel ready jobs per Obama and than he laughed when asked about it. We can not afford more of this and with Hillary we will get it, Trump, not sure what we will get.

We all need to support conservative Senators and Congressman who wish to control this spending along with reducing the debt. It will be painful to reduce spending because so many want a HAND OUT from the government.

My god people, have some pride and be responsible for yourself. This begins with the parents teaching their kids right and wrong, backing teachers who want to take control of the classroom again and stop this NANNY society we have become.

Americans in their 40's and above almost no longer recognize their country as it is being taken over by liberals who want to control everything from cradle to grave. Remove borders and allow free flow of people.

Trump wants to build a wall, won't happen but we should cut off any funds going to firms that have plants in Mexico. This will hurt the Mexican economy and the companies that do business there. No government agency would be allowed to purchase products from companies that open plants there. If Mexico won't stop the illegals, we cut off illegals from sending money back home and last if needed, cease all aid going there. We must do something to get their attention and hitting the purse will do it.

People put AMERICA first and Trump will do so much better then Hillary. Make a choice to save our country as this will be the last chance we have. Soon my time to go will come and I have seen the best our country (men on moon) has and during the last 7+ years I have seen what happens when liberals and their way takes over. The last generation that understood what it took to be free was the Baby boomers and the last GREAT generation was my dads as they saved our world from Hitler and Japanese Tyranny.

Very sad where we are now, can America be saved? 
Doubtful, on life support now. 

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