Monday, March 14, 2016


Hillary and Bernie need to tell the truth and get a grip on what is happening. Trump did not hit anyone and saying it is his fault this happens is crap. That is no different than them saying the gun killed someone. No you idiots, the gun didn't do it, it was the person holding the gun. Funny, it was a supporter of Bernie and Hillary who caused the trouble and it is typical of the liberals to blame their supporters for not being able to control themselves.

We all know Hillary is a Grade A liar but didn't realize was just as bad. Maybe this is normal for democrats to lie whant it fits their wishes.

Trump, well everyone here knows I am not a fan but to blame him for gutless trouble makers doing this isn't going to cut it. We are close to just Cruz and Trump making the cut. I hope Cruz makes it as it will be very very hard to support Trump. My god how this country has so low to be left with Trump and the know liar Hillary. What a choice.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...