Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sick of Trump

How many of you are tired of the Donald and his constant telling us how wonderful he is. Has anyone ever heard any specifics on what he is going to do about anything? He says he is going to build a "Giant Fence" and I wonder where he is going to get the funds to do so. He then states Mexico will pay and I only laugh as Mexico doesn't need us that badly. They are opening up their oil production and can go elsewhere for other assistance such as Russia. Putin would love to just poke us in the eye again and again by becoming Mexico's benefactor.

I for one am sick of hearing how great, how rich he is. Does anyone think about all the money people have lost dealing with him? Maybe he would just have America file for Bankruptcy like so many companies he has been associated with.

Donnie loves himself and  and enjoys telling everyone how great he is. His ego is bigger than his mouth but not by much. People complain about Obama and his learning on the job but what do you think we would get with him? He talks a great line but can he deliver what he says? Probably not and we get another four years lost if he is elected. What a hell of a choice as the american people could end with. A professional liar in HILLARY and a big mouth in TRUMP.

Not much to choose from between those two. Hillary has already stated she would bypass congress to do what she wanted. Sounds like Obama so if she gets in, our allies are not supported again, military is further weakened and there is no doubt America as we have known will no longer exist.

Being an older American is great as I don't have much time left to see the downfall of a once great country.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...