Saturday, December 26, 2015


What is very sad to think all this war (Putin) monger can do is spend YOUR money to build new bombs for nothing. He is trying to divert your attention from the shotfalls of the Russian economy. He spends money for new weapons that will never be used as any man or women with a brain knows there would be no winner in a nuclear attack. Any attack against America would be answered with a nuclear response and who wins? This plant would be destroyed and for what? Some little dictator wanting to look strong to his population. Why doesn't he spend those dollars to make things better at home? Don't buy into this crap he pushes, as no one wants to invade Russia, as the rest of the world is to busy trying to make things better in their own countries.
Russia is developing a drone submarine that can deliver a nuclear warhead or dirty bomb (that targets electronics) at U.S. coastal areas. Russian officials confirmed the existence of the program—dubbed Kanyon by the Pentagon—after images of a document detailing plans for the sub were broadcast on Russian state-run television.
According to the document, Kanyon is intended to be capable of “damaging the important components of the adversary’s economy in a coastal area and inflicting unacceptable damage to a country’s territory by creating areas of wide radioactive contamination that would be unsuitable for military, economic, or other activity for long periods of time.”
In short, Russia is developing a new, technologically advanced delivery vehicle designed to wreak maximum devastation on American shores.
As Russia expert and former CIA analyst Jack Caravelli explains,
The Kanyon represents another example of Russia’s aggressive and innovative approach to the development of military capabilities against U.S. and Western interests. The possible yield of the warhead, in the megaton class, clearly is an attempt to inflict catastrophic damage against U.S. or European naval facilities or coastal cities.

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