Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Obama and Kerry

Kerry the person who claimed Americans were killing babies during Nam and Obama who loves ISIS are in charge of our policy which should scare the hell out of us. Why is it the French leader gets it now after what has happened. Remember the JV team, well it has shown numerous times they are the first team but Obama has never been on a first team so he would never recognize one.

These two clowns are going to get us killed and what then? Does Obama wring his hands while telling us it was just a bad day for some of the misguided Muslim killers or does he bomb the hell out of them. It has become a very sad day when Russia does a far better job of taking on ISIS then we have over the last year.

Obama has been cutting our armed force so he can spend money with groups like ACORN and many others to undermine our freedoms and security. He should has been tried for treason a very long time ago as he has been giving "Aid and Comfort" to the enemy for years by his inaction.

This community organizer could have taken action when ISIS first formed and refused to do so. Now we pay for the Muslims running our government. Valeria is a devout Muslim and very public about her feelings. Obama has stated American is a Muslim country. The Muslim song in the morning is the most beautiful thing he has heard.

Obama is a traitor and I sincerely believe as many others do, he is on the path to destroy America, why else would he HIDE all records that pertain to his past. No other American president ever did this. What do you think JFK or Truman would think about him?


Anonymous said...

No, you've proven what a racist bigoted hateful scumbag you truly are. you're journalistic standards have slipped to the point you'rre now making things up. Spin is one thing, but outright lying about what Obama said is another.

I'm sick of reading BS crap about Obama is a mentally damaged monster possessed by a demon. It's obvious that it makes you sick seeing a President giving priorities to a group that isn't White, Christian, or straight!

do you not know that he has been bombing ISIS in Syria. Do you want him to spend few more trillions and loss many more of our soldiers for dealing with ISIL on the ground? Why not ask our ally Israel who owe us trillions to do it for us? They are a lot closer to ISIL than US. He has bombed them over 200 times, My God Man we have been fighting them from the start. We just have not put Boots on the Ground. The media is lying to you, and you swallow it hook line and sinker.

Obama drinks alcohol, he eats non halal meat, he eats pork, he supports gay marriage. He's not evil. He does not hate America. He is not a traitor; that would be people like the senators who deliberately tried to derail the Iran nuclear agreement. He is more fiscally conservative than Reagan and less socialistic than Eisenhower. He has done no damage.

He's black. Get over it. Stop making up lies to support your hate.

Right. Unlike the tea publicans who have called Obama names and totally disrespected even before he was elected and has continued up until now. How dare Obama fight back against racist bullies who only care about two things! Robbing the poor to give to the wealthy and making the white house white again! Doesn't he know that he isn't supposed to respond to any of their racist attacks or they're total lack of respect? I'm glad Obama has started showing some backbone and calling them out for their lies and verbal attacks!

D. Walker said...

Only a few comments. First I don't care if he drink beer, wine ate pork or whatever. Remember those on 9/11, they also did those things plus went to strip clubs. Good Muslims weren't they. Second, makes no difference if black, white, red or whatever if he does a crappy job as color doesn't matter if one is colorblind. Appears your are not and one more thing, you sound like a normal liberal and that is fine.

For you to think Iran is a good deal, I've got some stock in Alabama Banana Mines for sale want some? Iran has never kept their word and to believe they will now shows just how dense you are.

Whenever someone presses a button that hits close to home about Obama someone screams RACIST.

D. Walker said...

Only a few comments. First I don't care if he drinks beer, wine, eats pork or whatever. Remember those on 9/11, they also did those things plus went to strip clubs. Good Muslims weren't they. Second, makes no difference if black, white, red or whatever if he does a crappy job as color doesn't matter if one is colorblind. Appears your are not and one more thing, you sound like a normal liberal and that is fine but try to think about all the lies coming from his lips.

For you to think Iran is a good deal, I've got some stock in Alabama Banana Mines for sale want some? Iran has never kept their word and to believe they will now shows just how dense you are.

Whenever someone presses a button that hits close to home about Obama someone screams RACIST.


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