Saturday, November 9, 2013

To My Dear Friends and Family:

OK folks, this is NOT a forward from somebody else, this is  directly from my desk and completely generated by the synapses of the few brain cells that I managed to keep intact despite meager attempts to follow this Obamacare debacle.

In spite of the fact that Prez Obummer is now compounding his now famous " can keep it, PERIOD!" lie with his latest " can keep it if it didn't change after the Affordable Care Act became law" lie. Then thrown in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz ",,,,because neither the president nor the democrat party ever lied about the Affordable Care Act....." lie! So now they're lying about their lies, with more lying, I think. I'm confused now. Too many lies.

Well we all know that most insurance companies DID change the single policies to meet the specifications mandated in the ACA. Whether the features of each individual policy is now better or worse, more or less expensive, higher or lower co-pays, or if any other significant actuarial differences of note exist remains yet to be seen. Factually, most if not all of the former single policies (which include partners and families) NO LONGER EXIST THE WAY THEY WERE! Those outdated, less expensive, non-inclusive policy terms fell by the boards under new regulations in the ACA.

Here's the problem: members of the congress (e.g.., Mary Landrieu, D-LA) is introducing legislation in the US house of representatives to force insurance companies to "grandfather" policyholders who held policies that they "LIKED" prior to the ACA, they can "KEEP" them. OK sounds great doesn't it? Well, how can you keep what doesn't exist? Those policies have already been cancelled and most replaced with newer updated replacement policies, or worse yet, the policyholders have moved over to "MEDICAID"! Congress, with this act, will create a logistical nightmare that will take years from which to recover! It's so typical - let the federal government get involved and they'll create chaos out of orderliness in one felled swoop!

So that's it in a nutshell folks, and in my humble opinion, it's only going to get worse! Sad thing is that it really could have worked if it had been done right from day one, and with bipartisan cooperation! But that will never happen again in my lifetime!

God Bless America


The Staff: Thanks to whoever Mike is for sending

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