Friday, November 22, 2013

Harry Changed The Rules and The Democrats Need to Pay

Now that the democrats have changed the rules they don't like the moderates and conservatives need to step up and play hardball. The house should do nothing to the budget, let it sink and refuse to work with the Reid. He wanted this and now he should get it. Let him stew and we the people will be better off. When one man can stop bills from being heard or voted one, is not right. It makes them a little god and it means either house or any person.

Our government has taken over this country and "We the People" no longer have a say as to how we are governed. Elections are not fair as the one with the most money talks. Barry (Obama) was not qualified to be president and yet gets elected. Being president is not a job you learn as you go which is what he tried and failed. Does anyone remember him using teleprompters to speak with children? Sometimes I think someone is out of sight and telling him what to say and how to answer. If we wanted that, Howdy Doody would have been better as we would have known who was pulling the strings.

Until we vote out people like Harry the Hat and Nancy the Tuna Queen things will not change and only get worse. Freedom is a vanishing thing and we are watching it fade in our lifetime. Many times my father told me we would have to fight once more for freedom at home and many times I told him it would not happen. How wrong I was as it is coming and the only question I have now is WHEN.

People should not be afraid of their government but government should be afraid of the people.

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