Sunday, January 29, 2012

Straighten UP

How many of us have had enough of the lies, backstabbing, pure nasty comments and totally dishonest bitching of the Two Leading Republican Candidates? At this point I would rather vote for Rick and tell Newt and Mitt to take a hike. Both of them are guilty of dishonest statements about the other and aren't we trying to WIN the White House?

Stop the damn attacks now or you two clowns are going to hand it back to the one man who is trying to destroy our way of life. He has no intention of bringing America back to where it once was. He stated before he was going to change America and no one listened. We better start listening now as he is not done and will finish taking our freedoms if the republicans don't stop this crap.

The people of this country are tired of this type of election business and yet we hear how negative helps win elections. What the hell is wrong with the American people that all they want is dirt cast about instead of facts as to what has been going on and solutions on how they plan to fix this mess. Remember both parties got us here and 'WE THE PEOPLE " voted these people in. Isn't it about time to stop the lies and fix this country?

Obama is not going to do what has to be done nor will the Senate or Congress as all they do is protect their turf. Very few congressman have the courage to say no to raising the budget but they give us a lot of lip service. Until congress has the courage to shut down the government and take the heat, nothing will change. Congress has to be willing to be there only one term as doing the right thing will cost and none are willing to pay the price.

We the People pay the price everyday but congress gets a pass!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...