Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Yep I am referring to King Obama and the crap he does. Once more he is showing us how much he hates this country as he killed the PIPELINE that would have not only added jobs building the pipeline but manufacturing also. If I was Canada, I'd tell Obama and the united States to kiss off and build the line west. Canada could than sell it to Asia and we could then buy oil from Asia. Makes a lot of sense since we already borrow money from China and then send it back for this program or that. This just shows how f--ing stupid OUR elected leaders are. Remember folks, YOU voted them in.

If any of this is going to change, VOTE THEM OUT. We have all heard that the democrats are going to use "Blame the do Nothing Congress" during the election. Let them and we should help as the democratic controlled Senate has done nothing. There must be over 30+ bills the House has passed but Prince Harry will not bring any to the floor for discussion. This gutless wimp must be afraid of letting any in his party discuss anything as some bills may pass.

Maybe the next time the government faces a shutdown because some do not want to raise the budget, SHUT THE DAMN PLACE DOWN until the spending stops.

I don't support Ron Paul as I think his load is light on some matters but I do agree we need to cut a Trillion NOW. Close departments, fire some where there are to many workers. How and why do we need so many government employees? This has become one of the most screwed up countries because of our government and at what point do the people say enough? It will reach that point probably after I am gone as my father predicted over 40 years ago. Government taking our freedoms, taking our money for their pet projects, giving our money to other countries over the objections of the voters and dictating to us how to live our lives.

When enough realize freedom is gone, fighting and riots will start along with the end of a once great country because government grew to arrogant to understand THEY WORK FOR US. Government needs to fear us and right now they do not.   

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