Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Treated Like Trash by Obama

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he apologized to Shirley Sherrod for forcing her to resign based on incomplete and misleading reports of a speech she gave.

That SOB and the NAACP both should have gotten down on their knees and asked for forgiveness for saying and doing things without getting the facts. I doubt if this type of action would have taken place under Bush or Clinton Administrations because of one thing, RACE. Racism was slowly becoming a thing of the past before Obama was elected.

This dirt bag has and is using race as a dividing wedge between the different colors of citizens. We all need to stop this and as our government won't, "We the People" need to.

As a person who grew up (Missouri) in a family that didn't allow us to see any difference in people other then our own abilities that God has given us to succeed or fail. I am sick to death of this government and I mean Obama using color to divide us. Hope and Change is what this SOB promised and now we have HOPE that he is gone in 2012. Change is coming in 2010 where we the people take back our government before we are bankrupt.

The NAACP is no longer helping the colored Americans but only themselves. Wake up folks, the NAACP use to help when MLK was with us and the Democrats have never helped. They (Democrats) attempted to deny civil rights to all but many have forgotten that. Not many know this but Martin Luther King was a Republican.

It was the REPUBLICANS who voted for the voting rights act. Does anyone remember AL GORES own father voted against this law. Wake up black Americans as the democrats have used you for 40 years and nothing has changed as it should and could have. Sorry I can't call you African-Americans because you are Americans just as I am not German-American, I am an American.

Black, White, Red, Orange, Pink, Purple, or whatever,
we are all Americans.

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