Monday, July 19, 2010

Healthcare Penalty is Really a TAX

Do you remember the stink about having to pay a penalty if we do not purchase health care? Well, the truth is now coming out as the administration is going to refer to this penalty as a "TAX". They will be doing this so they can claim it is not a penalty as they realize that would be against the law. Instead as a "TAX" if would not the struck down in court. As congress has the ability to pass taxes, now they are using that term to explain the new "TAX".

Do any of you remember the "Universal Fee" that was added to all of our phone bills to the rural areas could get connected to the internet? That so called fee was passed by congress but is really a "TAX" on all of us. How can anyone trust this administration or any administration that is dishonest as to their intention and believe we are too DAMN STUPID to realize what they are doing. We are not stupid, just to lazy to stand up and do or say anything. "We The People" keep allowing these so called leaders to sink the country.

The point of allowing this group of Socialists to destroy our country by bankrupting it has passed and must be stopped now by any means. They allow cities to break the law by allowing illegal aliens to live in complete freedom while at the same time leaving the border open to all. Between healthcare and open borders, this government is not longer doing their duty nor what the american people want. Time for them to move on, period.

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Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitl...