Monday, May 17, 2010

Nancy Skinner the Union Mouth

Nancy Skinner, Talk show host, stated the Companies (GM/Chrysler) caused their down fall and the unions only helped. What a crock, ever here of laying off workers and yet those workers draw 90% of there pay for doing nothing. This union mouthpiece needs to shut the hell up and go away. Look at CA. and how much the unions have helped that state.

Nancy Skinner is such a liar when it comes to unions it makes me sick. I worked for the Teamsters and saw first hand what unions did. Try to image sitting on your butt for 8 hours watching beer bottles go by. Oh, did I say 8 hours, after two breaks before lunch, then 30 minutes for lunch followed by two more breaks after lunch it works out to 6.5 hrs. on your butt. Yep, that's the union for you.

At one time unions were helpful but that time has long ago passed. Now they only look out for the union business manager and to a select few in the local. Think of it, years ago you cold by a coke for a nickel. Now because of mainly all the different unions handling this item, have caused their increase in price.

GM and Chrysler failed due to management and unions. Ford is still here and not owned by the government.

1 comment:

jim said...

nancy shinner (what a dumb ass) it don't make any diff what the suject, count on her to get the wrong sow by the ear.

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