Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tiger Woods, He has to earn our Respect Again

Yes, I guess you can tell I am no fan of the biggest wife cheater in Golf (so far). To hear he is coming back for the Master is no surprise as he can't take the heat he would get at any other venue. Only Augusta can control the gallery and media so poor Tiger won't be bothered while playing.

The only folks I feel sorry for are the other players as this may turn out to be a distraction for them. I and many others don't buy his "I'm Sorry" speech. I just can't accept him as being sorry for the hurt he has dropped on his wife. A man who can't keep it in his pants, but has to lay everything he can is disgusting and doesn't deserve to be forgiven yet. The damage he has done to himself and the kids that looked up to up can not be wiped away with some gutless speech.

Tiger my boy, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO EARN your way back into the good graces of this golfing community. People will say to give you a break, it happens to others and maybe it does. Makes no difference if it does, as you set yourself up and the media helped to make you a Role Model for kids. Right now, no parent would want you as a role model for their children as you no longer have the moral high ground.

I sincerely hope you have changed and bring some kind of honor back to yourself and try to be a decent father for your children. Time will tell and maybe some day your wife will forgive you for hurting her more then you will ever know.

I have one last thing to say, Be a Good Husband and Father.

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