Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One Battle Lost, Freedom of Choice is Still Possible

Well, big brother has taken over the health care and more of our freedoms are being lost. Can any American with even a brain the size of a alligator believe they can do a better job of with health care then "We the People". We all believed some corrections were needed but not what they have done. Who wants to be fined or go to prison for not having health care? Get ready folks, big brother is growing.

This is the same group that can't run Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, United States Post Office, US Housing Authority, and the list doesn't stop there. All of these agencies are either bankrupt or going there with massive infusion of funds.

Now we have another entitlement that may finally drive this country over the edge. Who do these (Liberal Democrats) clowns think is going to bail there butts out? Not me, I would rather have the country take the plunge and default on loans then pay another dime to the bottomless pit called taxes.

I never realized just how stupid the American people were until now. It is hard to believe so many Americans voted in someone who was going to destroy this country and our freedoms. Obama is walking a very very fine line that any misstep may cause violence to erupt in this country. He needs to understand that this country was founded on individual freedoms and he is taking them before our eyes.

He (OBAMA) broke the bankruptcy laws in dealing with the US car companies. He sat by and watched the congress and senate bribe different members of our government to pass this tax busting bill. I know both parties have done similar things in the past, but this was brought to an all time high with health care on HIS watch.

As I write this I wonder how long our country can hold on before it collapses under the debt burden that is coming. Social Security will need more funds or it will fail. Medicare will fail and coverage to seniors will slow or cease altogether. How can anyone say they will cut it by $500,000,000.00+ and it helps? If they are going to get these savings from stopping the fraud, why hasn't the fraud been stopped before? Because it is a GOVERNMENT program and they are not capable of doing it.

If you believed Obama saying that, I've got an Alabama Banana Mine for sale. The USPS is on life support along with Medicaid and when this all happens, the United States will fall. We've got maybe the November election to stop this before it is too late. Common sense must step forward before violence does. Glen Beck says the answer is not another revolution and he may be right. I'm not convinced it won't come to that. Everyone needs to remember what I said before.

Our congress is sworn to DEFEND & PROTECT the constitution, THEY ARE FAILING.

Our armed forces take an oath to DEFEND & PROTECT the constitution, THEY ARE WATCHING.

When November comes around, think about your kids, your grandparents and maybe yourself as these are the people who will be most affected by Obamacare and the massive taxes coming your way. Do you really want to give the government 75% of your income to take care of everyone but yourself. If you do, enjoy the ride. If you don't, vote out the people who are causing this not democrat or republican. Try voting for freedom of choice and freedom to live as our forefathers intended.

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