Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush is Hosed by The Racists - Sharpton & Jackson

As a moderate I have had enough of the two clowns who call themselves Reverend. Yes, I am talking about Sharpton and Jackson the frauds from the pulpit.

They along with others have caused Mr. Limbaugh to be dropped from investing in the St Louis Rams because of what he has said in the past. If we are to be held to this standard then I believe it should also included the two Revs. who only tell the truth when it helps them.

Lets see, Sharpton and Brawley sure rings a bell. Wasn't old AL involved in the lies and fraud that he and others tried to perpetuate against some law enforcement officers? When the truth was uncovered old AL's hands weren't clean. He was so involved in the fraud that took place he was punished by nothing happening to him. Just another day at the office for a joke of a person.

Lets see, guilty of lying and he gets a walk because no one dared to confront him with his lies. The man has been and still is a problem for many Americans as he doesn't want a color blind America because if he did, no one would listen to him again.

Now we come to the another joke, Rev Jackson. He is no minister and has never been a minister in anyone eyes except those who believe anything he says. He is a liar, corporate extortionists and a number of other things but enough has been said about him. Does anyone remember something about a riot at a football game?

We have allowed these two clowns to dictate who can own what, say what, do what in a so called free country. For over forty plus years black Americans have listened to these clowns and what do they have to show. Liberal democrats didn't vote for civil rights, Republicans did. The southern democrats didn't have the courage to stand up and say enough, Republicans did. Al Gores daddy voted AGAINST the civil rights law.

Better stop now as getting off course. One more item, as one of the owners (colts) spoke up and voiced his opinion. He should not throw bricks as he is the one who SLITHERED OUT OF TOWN in the middle of the night to move his team to another city. Talk about gutless.

If you have a problem with Mr. Limbaugh, protest, boycott him, but before you do, get the facts for yourself and then decide. Don't follow the clowns, follow the truth wherever it goes.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...