Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Open Letter to Maine Senator

I am very sorry you have decided to support a bill that the majority of Americans don't want in it's present state. Washington has lost touch with the very people who elected them and act as if "We the People" have become a joke. You might as well get the constitution and shred it as Obama never heard of it based on what he has done while you and others turn a blind eye.

As an independent I will now support with dollars anyone who runs against you and puts the American People first. Instead of taking time to fix our system you have made it worse. My wife has cancer and is fighting for her life but YOU are allowing Medicare to be cut which could effect her.

Obama talks about savings in Medicare, what a joke. We both know that will never happen. The Government has never run anything that worked as intended. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Post Office, and more that would take all this page to mention don't work because of you and others.

Tax (coming) increases, higher medical care, higher unemployment is what Obama and you folks are giving us. Now I hear about VAT taxes. My business has all but died because of Government forcing low cost loans to those who shouldn't have had loans. Tell Barney thanks and send a card to Acorn.

Now this, thanks for nothing but more problems for the average American. I will do everything I can to see you are not re-elected. We need to get rid of big spenders like you and the others.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...