Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is It too Late??????????????????????

Watching the news, reading the headlines, talking to others and listening to our elected officials scares the hell out of me. My question to all of you is "Do we arm ourselves"? I don't know, but we all need to be calm but outspoken in our belief in freedom for all.

From reading and watching I can't understand why we need to have another army unless it is to control the people (us) against our own government. I can't believe what I am hearing but was warned thirty plus years ago it may happen. I thought it was a bad joke.

Because we question our elected leaders Obama believes he needs to have his own private army as well armed as our Marines, Air force, Army, and national guard, for what? Where in America are the people raising up against the government. no where. What is he afraid of, Freedom? YES

Freedom of assembly, freedom of speech scares the hell out of the left because "We the People" have freedom of thought and speech. Remember, Pelosi, Clinton and other left leaning believe they know what is best for us and have said so. Who made them god and what gives them the right to try to control our thoughts and actions. They want to and are trying through lies, misinformation, and a blurring of the facts as to what their intentions are. All politicians lie but this group is the best and not bashful about at.

When will our government begin to tell us How Many Children we can have. One of Obama's czars believe it is within the government power to limit the number of children you have. Another is a Communists, another believes Chavez was correct to take over the media and control their output, another believes babies can be killed up to two years of life.

This administration is one of the sickest ever elected and We the People need to be prepared to stand up and make our voice heard/vote counted to save our country from the fascists/communists that are trying to take over. They want to stifle free speech over the airwaves and we have to fight back. Our elected leaders no longer believe in the Constitution nor the freedoms our forefathers established and many of our fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sister have died to protect. At one point they believed our returning soldiers may be "Terrorists" and should be watched. How sick are these people and how do they get elected.

Remember Al Franken? He got elected with more votes then there were registered voters in a MN county. If this can happen once, what is to say it won't happen again. It will and we must be ready to fight voter fraud as ACORN will continue to STUFF the ballot box. Maybe Obama will have some more "Black Panthers" outside polling stations. We were all told about Obamas background but we were called "Racists". Well, folks welcome to Obama Nation Building, Do you like it?

Read "Shadow Government" and it will scare the hell out of you if only 50% is true. Can we afford to be silent while our freedoms and country are taken in the still of the night. Democrats complained very loud about Nixon and dirty tricks. Has anyone noticed the silence from mainstream media outlets while Obama takes over our country with his Czars? Congress has surrendered their authority to unelected groups such as ACORN, SEIU and others who are writing (congress should) bills that are not read but then passed. Where in the constitution does it say ACORN or anyone other the Congress writes bills that spend our money.

The MONEY is OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama and his cronies are trashing the constitution and no one says enough. Where are elected senators and representatives while our freedoms are taken by these groups. We the People need to be ready for anything that may arise and we need to VOTE THE BUMS OUT!

Protest, write letters, call you reps., email the congress and advise them if they want to keep their jobs, STOP THE NONSENSE NOW.


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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...