Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama Placed Communists in The Government & WE PAY FOR THEM

Our government is being taken over by EXTREME Liberals and Communists while our elected representatives praise the likes of Fidel Castro.
Van Jones is a Communists and no one says anything about it. Another Czar believes Chavez was correct to silence the media and halt all free speech. Some Idiot named Rep. Diane Watson, D-CA was praising Fidel but isn't moving there as she should if he is so wonderful. I think if she believes he is so great she should move and Politicalsass will pay for her ticket. Our freedom of speech allows her to make an ass of herself and being a Liberal Democrat helps.
Just look at some if not all of the Czars (advisers) and read some of their history so you understand what is happening. I will research and add some of their information to this site.
Watch for more.

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Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitl...