Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thomas Paine Speaks, Need I say More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The above link was sent to me by a close friend and after listening I felt all Americans should listen to this man. Some would say he is out spoken and I would have to agree. He is so out spoken I salute Him for speaking up and not being afraid of the government.

In today's world many of us are afraid to say anything as would be considered trouble makers or racist because we criticize the president. He deserves it for what he and the congress are doing to our country. They have caused our country to be near bankruptcy and yet they want to have another Stimulus Package. We the people should be mad as hell but we set by and do nothing and say nothing. I admire people such as Mr. Paine, as he isn't afraid to speak out and tell we the people the truth. So very many of us don't want to hear the truth so we do nothing.

At what point will we stand up and say ENOUGH to the president and a out of control congress. They pass laws without reading and in some cases even writing them. It is time to VOTE THE BUMS OUT and I mean ALL the Bums.

Time is short before we become a second world country and start asking for foreign aid from China or Russia. To think, some of our grandparents and parents died in wars to keep America free and we are just letting it go like sheep. Sheep, that fits, just bend over as we take from elected officials who don't give a damn about this country, only their lust for power and greed.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...