Sunday, July 19, 2009

Divert Our Attention

When everything is going wrong with our country and the Democratic majority has buried us in debt, they have devised a way to divert our attention to what they have done and have not done to help our country.


Just so typical of them isn't it. They screw up the financial system to began with (Fannie/Freddie) and blame Bush, pass a massive package to fire up the economy, try to pass a massive health care and cap & trade farce which will so bankrupt our country.

Now again they will divert your attention to a witch hunt so you forget what a poor job they are doing unless you call screwing up our country good. What the hell is wrong with you people. I see protest in Chicago of all places and people there get it. The chosen ones own home town has had enough and realize what this "Empty Suit" has done. The great Community Organizer is leading our country over the cliff. He isn't alone by any means, there is Nancy, Harry, Chris, John (the baby killer) Kerry and many others who are selling out each one of us so they can keep and expand there power base. These people and many others of both parties don't give a damn about this country expect, "What they can get".

My father some 35 years ago predicted we may have to fight to retain our freedoms and I thought he was nuts. I no longer think so if things don't change soon. At this moment in my life I expect to see this turn very very ugly as our own government has turned against us. They treat us like idiots and we are forever electing them over and over. We the idiots keep putting the ones who caused our troubles back into a position to do it again and again. These people WORK FOR US and not the other way around as they believe.

Call you so called elected officials and tell them enough. They have spent our last penny and vote the bums out if they don't listen. Their arrogance allows them to think they are smarter then us, know more then us and treat us like children. These are the same people that won't allow the bills to be read before voting because they know we would raise holly hell over what they are doing.

I mentioned so called, remember the senator from MN (the has been comic) was seated after being elected with invisible voters.

More votes were counted then people registered? Only in Democrat wonderland can this happen.

When it gets ugly, remember, "We the People" could have stopped it.

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