Monday, May 11, 2009

Morans from the Island vote for "Islam Day"

Hawaii lawmakers back the creation of 'Islam Day'
I sincerely believe we need to remove the Flag and bring it home. It is now time for us to give the island back to the natives and get out. Maybe the Muslims will make it another one of their country's where the women have no rights, no education, walk around in coverings from head to foot. Yes, I think that would go over very well.
As to my opinion of what the idiots did in voting for Muslim Day it can be summed up in one word... Traitors.
Can't these people remember who blew up;
Twin Towers the first time it was "Muslims",
Who bombed the USS Cole, "Muslims",
Who flew two planes into the Twin Towers and killed thousands, "Muslims",
Who bombed our Embassies, "Muslims",
Who killed hundreds of Marines in Lebanon, "Muslims",
does anyone notice a pattern here?
No Baptist, Catholic, Hindu, Methodist, or anyone from Scientology's cult have attacked us, only "Muslims" and they will continue to try to KILL ALL of us who do not follow their religion (if you want to call it that) which at this time I am not sure what it is.
We allow them to have their own schools in our country and they are allowed to teach hatred for anyone who is not Muslim. Christian, Jews, Hindus are all beneath them and are taught to kill us.
Need proof, read the Koran, it tells all.
Yes this all may seem harsh, but what the hell do those idiots think was going to happen when they passed this law. This is another example of "KISS ASS" to the Muslim population. Have these Hawaiian idiots ever heard of the Constitution and separation of Church and State? Where do they get off passing some stupid "Islam Day". Hell, I think we should have "Beer Day", "Hindu Day", "Christian Day" or "Stupid Politician Day".
I think the last one "Stupid Politician Day" won't work as that is an everyday occurrence so it isn't special to anyone.
People, before you vote, stop and think of WHO you vote for, as these idiots in Hawaii got voted in by YOU.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...