Monday, May 11, 2009

Barry (Obama) and Wanda, Freedom Haters

Everyone needs to take a deep breath over Wanda whats her name comments. We all have to remember who she is (not sure who she is) and can anyone tell me what show she is in? Oh, that's right she is with that Christina program. Maybe I don't watch enough free TV today but considering what they offer why would anyone. From what I can gather from all the complaining, she said some bad things about Rush, but we have to consider the source. Who is she again? Oh, that's right........

From what I have heard about the roast, it was mainly a party to bash Conservative Americans, Christian Americans, and about anyone else who doesn't agree with the previous Cocaine sniffing Muslim some call President now. Before this clown was elected I believed all Americans were created equal, but he is driving me away from those beliefs with his actions. I'm sure I am not alone in this, as I am sick of the arrogance of this man thinking he knows what is best for all of us. This light weight can't make a speak without his teleprompter.

His sole experience was a "Community Organizer" and his time in the IL senate was a joke as he didn't do anything but attach his name to bills others wrote. Somehow this has given him the insight to know what is best for America? He is a joke, the democrat party has become a joke and we all suffer for their arrogance. This will change one way or another. If it doesn't, we will become a third rate country as we are already become a second rate country to many in other countries. A country that now has a liar and a fraud as President. They say a man can be judged by the friends he keeps, need I say more. Just look at the friends he had around him at the bash.

Remember, he and the wife thought it funny when Wanda (what's her name) mentioned Rush being dead. How would that play out if it was reversed and she said something about Barry (Obama) being dead?

Not too funny now is it??????????????

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